Fertility Education Trust

guidelines to charting your fertility cycle, page 6 of 26

1. The Temperature Method - How To Interpret A Chart (A):

A chart showing typical low and high readings.
  1. When 3 readings (Days 15, 16, 17 in this example) have risen above the preceding 6 temperatures, and they are not disturbances, draw a cover-line immediately above the last 6 low readings (excluding disturbances) and number them back 1-6, as illustrated. This establishes a visual dividing line (the blue line) between the low and the high readings.
  1. Number the raised readings 1, 2, 3 and check that the 3rd high reading (Day 17 in this example) has risen to at least 0.2°C above the cover-line as a re-assuring rise (i.e. in the 4th square or more above the cover line). Mark the rise with 3 little flashes to confirm the rise, as shown on chart on Day 17.
  2. The Infertile Phase after ovulation by the Temperature Rule begins on the evening of the 3rd raised temperature (Day 17 in this chart) - and continues till the start of the next period, (provided it is double-checked by rules for the Mucus Chart - see later)

The chart finished as a fairly typical 28 day cycle. The period on Day 29 starts a new chart.

An example chart showing the Infertile Phase.